fashion ranking

Rank Fashion Designers

Rank the most famous fashion designers

companies ranking

Rank Companies

Rank the most valuable companies in the world

countries ranking

Rank Countries

Rank the most powerful countries in the world

presidents ranking

Rank Presidents

Rank the most influential presidents

books ranking

Rank Books

Rank the most popular books of all time

history ranking

Rank Historical Events

Rank the most important historical events

movies ranking

Rank Movies

Rank the most popular movies of all time

music ranking

Rank Music Genres

Rank the most popular music genres

sports ranking

Rank Sports

Rank the most popular sports worldwide

literature quiz

Literature Quiz

Test your knowledge of classic literature

science quiz

Science Quiz

Test your knowledge of science facts

authors quiz

Famous Authors Quiz

Test your knowledge of famous authors

sports quiz

Famous Sports Quiz

Test your knowledge of popular sports

geography quiz

Geography Quiz

Test your knowledge of world geography

movies quiz entertainment

Famous Movies Quiz

Test your knowledge of famous movies

history quiz world

World History Quiz

Test your knowledge of world history

books guessing

Guess Famous Books

Guess the famous books from hints

movies guessing

Guess Movie Quotes

Guess the movies from famous quotes

brands guessing

Guess Famous Brands

Guess the famous global brands

music guessing

Guess Music Genres

Guess the different music genres from hints

46 games available in 3 pages.

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